Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Change my infrastructure? Thanks, but no thanks….

Thinstall’s recent announcement with Macrovision (see here) reflects an important trend in the market – that you don’t have to get locked into a proprietary infrastructure to support a virtualization solution. In the case of both Microsoft and Citrix, application virtualization is only available when you have their large infrastructures and client applications installed and working. If this is not your current infrastructure, not only are you buying an application virtualization solution, but you are migrating to a new infrastructure -- just to make it work.

Thinstall’s partnership with Macrovision points to the voice of the market starting to speak – we do not want to change out our infrastructure just to take advantage of a virtual environment. Application virtualization solutions should not require an infrastructure change out. Thinstall is not unique in its ability to deliver an open application virtualization solution that works with an existing infrastructure – Trigence has been doing this for years. Though some of the larger vendors in the space will proclaim loudly how their complete solution will encapsulate, distribute, and manage applications, In fact, at Trigence, we take this ‘any way you like it’ approach even farther. First, why stop at the Windows desktop? Isn’t application virtualization just as valuable in the datacenter and on other platforms, such as Linux and UNIX? Trigence offers hardened solutions for the datacenter as well as the desktop. Second, applications are only becoming more complex and dependent on other services and even other applications. Only Trigence offers a truly open application virtualization solution that allows you to take control of defining which services and applications are available and shared between application capsules. Sometimes referred to as the ‘context issue’, Trigence’s “capsule sharing” technology brings deployment and management flexibility that simply cannot be found anywhere else – and that, at the end of the day, is precisely the ‘any way you like it’ response the market is crying for.

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