I noticed an interesting posting on Jody Gilbert’s TechRepublic blog. It’s a list of the 10 tech skills you should develop in the next five years. It’s a compelling list. A couple things come to mind; first, 5 years is a long time in technology terms these days and second, virtualization is not well understood.
Virtualization is number eight on the list, probably a good place for it. The thing that strikes me is that the description defines that you will want to become proficient with the use of various Hypervisors from VmWare, Microsoft and Xen. While that is a very good suggestion it doesn’t take into account that you may want to understand what overall options you have with virtualization. There is much more to a virtualization strategy than understanding the mechanics of Hypervisors.
I suggest it may be time for IT professionals to invest some time understanding the applications that their infrastructure is in place to support. After all, the purpose of IT is to enable the use of applications by their customers. When you spend a little time with applications as your focus you realize that we are conditioned to accept significant limitations in the way in which we interact with and manage applications. Spend a little time looking at application virtualization and not just Hypervisor mechanics and you may be surprised.
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